"Real People. Real Purpose. Real Progress."

Kingdom Life


Bishop Kelvin C. Brooks, Senior Pastor

"To proclaim the message of faith to all, encouraging a lifestyle of Christian witness that builds God’s kingdom and strong families. We will strive to identify God’s purpose for every believer while activating spiritual gifts, developing strong leaders, positively impacting our geographic region, and empowering our youth for effective living and leadership today. Furthermore, we will strive to develop a passion for worship in every believer, with a continual expectation for God’s manifested glory to dwell among us."

To see lives transformed through sound teaching, practical faith, and spirit-filled worship.

Our Vision
Our Scripture

"Encouraging, comforting, and urging you to live lives worthy of God who calls you into His kingdom and glory."

 1 Thessalonians 2:12 (NIV)

Our Motto

"Real People. Real Purpose. Real Progress."

Real People: We are committed to acknowledging the diversity and complexities of the human condition, and the ability of God’s power and anointing to work in and through us.

Real Purpose: We are committed to acknowledging the importance of pursuing and fulfilling our individual and corporate purposes in God. Because we are each born into the world for a specific purpose, we believe that a person isn’t really living until they have accepted Christ in their life and the purpose of God for their life! Therefore, our goal is to identify purposes, activate gifts, position leaders, and direct people into LIVING FINISHED lives in God.

Real Progress: We acknowledge that our individual and corporate success, and effectiveness is not gauged by the actions or accomplishments of other churches or other believers, but by our own ability to see growth in our personal lives and in the lives of those we serve within our church, community, nation and abroad.

Our Mission

This is our Story

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Our Seal

      The central most part of the KLC church seal is the Agnus Dei or "Lamb of God" which is a Christian symbol used to represent Christ. Likewise, the lions represent Christ, the "Lion of Judah." When depicted standing, the lamb is the symbol of the triumphant savior who overcame sin and death for us! Seen in this depiction the lamb is shedding His blood into the communion chalice, which reminds of our salvation and covenant with the one true, and living savior! Another prominent component of the church seal are the flames of fire in the background, representing the Holy Spirit and KLC's charismatic worship style. Finally, the crossed keys represent the keys to the Kingdom.